Monday, December 29, 2008

Exposing The Lies Of Tovia Singer

These articles are actually authored by Nakdimon, who is a Messianic Jew from the Netherlands. I, the operator of this blog give 100% credit to Nakdimon.

Welcome to Nakdimon's Page

Let's get critical.
Answering Tovia Singer

For the purpose of this website please read the foreword. In short, this website is about
the things rabbi Tovia Singer left out of his lectures and didn't tell his audience.

Psalm 110
Zechariah 12:10
Isaiah 53 Part I Isaiah 53 Part II
Sin and Atonement
The Oral Law Part I The Oral Law Part II
The Trinity Part I The Trinity Part II
Who is the Messiah?
Rabbi Singer answers questions
Questionable rabbinic interpretations of Scripture

Email me!
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